Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day for the 3rd time on the mission.

Hey Guys, How’s it going? So yesterday was Mothers Day and it was so great! We had a wonderful sacrament meeting. We had a couple from the mission office speak in our branch and they are legit and talked about how Mothers Day is all about honoring our mothers and that’s what it’s all about.(I love my mom and all she has done for me!) They also talked about how wonderful and powerful a child’s prayer is. It was great! I also got to talk to my family yesterday which was great! They are great! So what I’m gonna talk about today is how sometimes we see people making mistakes but we don’t feel like we can say anything cause we feel like we need to correct ourselves first. I’ve learned that if you see a problem and there is an opportunity to help someone correct themselves it’s an opportunity to serve. As we all try to serve and become like the good shepherd we realize that everyone we know is a sheep and we have to look after them! It’s so great as we serve we come to know the Savior better and we also become more like Him. Things are going great here and I’m sure gonna miss my mission in a month. Thanks for your love and support. Haters gonna hate! Love you guys...the TLM always on the cutting edge! B E L I E V E !!! Keep on keepin on! Love Elder Weston Reay pic1- about to rain. black and rainy to the east and sunny and warm to the west. only in Texas pic2- we made a titanic boat its legit! pic3- colt 45 and two zig zags baby that’s all we need!

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