Hey Guys,
How is it going? How is everyone? Well guys I hate to say it but at the same time love to say it but I’m finished! I have fulfilled all the Lord has called me here to do at this time in this area. As missionaries at the beginning we look forward to the moment we will finish and go home, so much. At least that’s how it has been for me. Now that the time is here I am so sad! I’m so excited to see my family and to see my friends and to tackle whatever is next in my life but I almost don’t want to leave.
As I look back on my wonderful areas and the wonderful people and the changes I’ve seen people make, it makes me sad that I’m leaving this. I will never forget the wonderful people. As I finish I know that something that I will do is make goals because I learned at a young age from Grandpa Jackson that goals help us progress in life. I never realized how right he is until I came on my mission. My Dad emailed me today and asked me if it was all I thought it would be... as I’ve been sitting here pondering that question the answer is it has been so much more than I thought it would be! It has by far been the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life and I’m going to miss it so much. I want to thank everyone for all the support and prayers you have given! I love you all so much. I truly learned how it feels to love someone and it is great! That is how the Lord feels about all of us but its deeper than we can comprehend. Always keep on keepin on.
If anyone is contemplating serving a mission my advice is DO IT!!!!!!!!! That might have been a lot of exclamation marks but it’s cause it is the greatest thing in the world for 19-27 year olds. It is so great! I have loved it so much. I have had my struggles, as will everyone that serves. But the Lord lifts us up and we learn and grow so much for the better. Thanks again. Remember to keep on keepin on! I love you all! See you soon!
Love Elder Weston Reay
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